“Creation takes things forward. Without anything new there is no progress. Creation equals new.”  
— Rei Kawakubo

Paris in January is generally gray, cold, windy and rainy. But Paris always offers something extraordinary. The first thing I did this trip to Paris in mid-January was to secure a ticket to the Iris Van Herpen Exhibit at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs (through 28 April, 2024). Perhaps you have seen J. Lo or  Beyoncé wearing an Iris Van Herpen creation and been stunned by the visual impact.

Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen
Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen

More than stunning, her designs are revolutionary. Iris is relentlessly curious and her penetrating studies of Art, Architecture, Dance, Science, Technology and Nature combined with her collaboration with experts in each of these fields results in a totally new visual, dimensional and wearable vocabulary. Startling, intriguing and thought provoking Iris upends the very notion of the role of clothing — our second skin.

Historically and traditionally clothing has been understood to be protection against the natural elements and later against the weapons of human aggression. Later still, clothing was used as an expression of social status and non verbal communication.

Iris, instead, creates clothing that extends humans into nature — seen and unseen. She invites us to not only connect with nature but to also experience other forms and shapes of being; the undulating, trailing forms of deep sea creatures, the plumage of exotic birds, electricity, mycelium, viruses and other microscopic beings.

Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen
Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen

Iris literally uses cutting edge technology like 3D printing and lasers to create diversity of shapes and materials.

Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen
Purely Personal for Me: Iris Van Herpen

These designs are obviously Haute Couture — conceptual, aspirational, forward looking, clothing as artistic expression.

It will be fascinating to watch how her visions are reinterpreted, distilled and eventually recast as Purely Personal style.

For more of Iris Van Herpen visit www.irisvanherpen.com.

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